Friday, October 24, 2008


First, check this out.

This is absolutely not a joke. Check out these stories:

Starting to get the picture? This is frightening and horrible. I cannot believe they are going to get away with this crap. I'm pretty sure this isn't a true democracy if the right to vote can be stolen from an American citizen who can BY LAW vote. Guess Sarah Palin might be right about some parts of the country not really being "American". I can't even tell you how frightening these reports are. Check these guys out to see what is going on around the country. Or if the ACLU is more to your liking, they are also trying to fight for Americans right to vote.

I can't even believe that this is an issue in this day and age. I am absolutely flummoxed by actually typing the phrase "fight for Americans right to vote." It's disgusting. That's my rant for today! Good luck for those of you voting, especially in those pesky swing states!


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