Friday, April 10, 2009


un new things came in the mail yesterday. 

I got my cucumber trellis which I have coveted for a while now. It's basically a wire shelf that allows the cucumbers to hang and not be on the ground. I'm geekily excited about it. 

And I got some more new plants and things. Since it was so yucky yesterday, I didn't get them in the ground, but they are hibernating in the fridge. Cross your fingers that this is not killing them slowly. 

I've wanted some pretty flowers in the front of the house and have always loved peonies. Somehow, this bag isn't quite what I expected. I got two red ones, so we'll see how that goes after they are in the ground. Right now, it's just sad.

I've wanted to grow potatoes for a while, so this should be interesting. As I have no clue whatsoever what I'm doing, it's really an experiment. These are Kennebec potato sets. Yep. Looks like cut up potatoes. Pretty sure I could have done that.

Here's the wicked cool thing about seeds. You start out with dirt. Add water and sun. Then in 7 days, you get this.

Pretty cool. Hunh? Now if I can keep Max off them, we'll be fine. This is a mess of different zucchinis and cucumbers here. Seeds totally have life figured out. You just give them the most basic things and they just do their thing.

Again...from THIS.

To THIS. Here's oregano, zucchini and watermelons.

My strawberry bed, still put to sleep. I think it's ready to be uncovered as strawberry plants are winding their way out of the bed. I spent a bit of time uncovering them this evening. There's definitely plants in there!

Cilantro and basil have been planted in this bed. Can't tell yet, but they are there. The oregano is the last bit to go in there and I'll have my herb garden for this year!

Oh. This is just...sad. This is what happens after the harvest is over and you don't do anything to it before winter. That is a mess. Luckily, Paul is right now getting lumber for the raised beds and I have a friend coming over tomorrow to help me clear this nightmare up. I'm not sure I could face it alone. Well, or face it sober.

Lettuce and radishes. This is now my chilly weather bed. 

It's gearing up kids! Soon we'll be planting the rest of the stuff and then REAL fun begins. I'd also like to do an orchard some day but we'll keep it slow. Once I get the garden more perfected, we'll tackle trees.

Gardening is such fun.


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