Friday, May 27, 2005

Long Weekend (YESSSS!!!)

I promise to try to make this one shorter since I seem to have diarrhea of the typing variety. So, our plans for this long weekend are to shave one of my dogs and wash them both and go see Star Wars: Eppy III. Yeah, I know, we haven't seen it yet (stop looking so appalled Eric!) Just haven't had the time to fit in three hours of entertainment. Hell, we do the blockbuster online thing and have had one of the movies for about 6 weeks now. Pretty soon they'll send out a search party. Of course, next weekend is busy, busy with a graduation party, a lab BBQ, and my brother is coming up to go to Las Vegas with his girlfriend for a wedding. Yikes. Why is it always so busy on one weekend. Unfortunately, the BBQ and graduation are mutually exclusive as they are several hundred miles apart on the same day. Well, I need to be off to work early today-the interim chancellor is coming to visit and we want to look productive, lol.

Love, B

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