Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh...look, more garden nonsense

Here's some updated photos of the garden after I cleaned out as much of the grass as I could stand. It took two days, but I did make a decent dent in it. Stupid grass anyway. Thought you'd enjoy some pics of the pretty flowers that are popping up everywhere. Flowers are good because flowers=veggies, hehe.

Tomatoes! No clue if they're Roma or cherry yet. It's kind of exciting this way. I should just mystery plant everything for some fun in my life. My sad...sad life.

Overview of the massiveness. I've decided that I should never look at the entire garden but just keep myself limited to small blocks of it. It's overwhelming the amount of work that needs to be done otherwise.

Do you see the little itty bitty cucumbers at the base of the flowers? damn cute. Grow bitches, grow.

Cantaloupe. I've never been successful in growing this, so hopefully these flowers are a good sign that I might get some. Once again, my ignorance is stunning.

Portofino squash. I just harvested three from here, but it's already accommodating me and making some more. See below for the update, but in case you're lazy, here's a tip. Not yellow squash. Ahhh, the things I learn from the Internet (or in this case, just looking at what the hell I actually bought).

Up close of the flower. The zucchini flowers are supposed to be edible and delicious. I haven't ventured that yet. Maybe this year will be my year to be brave.

Zucchini (plainol ' green stuff). There's so many flowers in the jungle that I can't quite get my head around how many zucchini I might get. I was checking over the leaves and did see signs of squash bugs, but they must camouflaging themselves well. There were three or four leaves with the eggs that I destroyed, but no bugs. Go figure. It's like a mini-miracle.

Well, that's it for the garden. Paul and I had a nice anniversary. We went down to the Plaza and had lunch then walked (and walked) around the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum. This is one of those places that although we've lived here for numerous years, we haven't yet visited. It was pretty awesome for free! We were there for several hours, but didn't even get to the outside sculpture parkthingee or the third floor, so we plan on trying to go back. We have a CarMax picnic in a couple of hours, so I'm going to lay down for a bit and try to de -compress after working so hard in the garden. I'm still trying to get over this stupid cold and need sleep. Have a great Sunday!!


1 comment:

Laura said...

ooh we love the nelson museum! did you see that huge statue of Kuanyin?
al has a ratty falling apart framed poster of her... hmm. that would be a good gift for him - a nicer new poster or small kuanyin statue.
anyway mulch will remove the grass and help you water less. we use our grass clippings for mulch too. i guess i should photo. initial pricey but huge savings in your body-aka less weeding and work, and less watering too