Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So, whenever I rent games or new releases I get a free "favorites" movie. These are the older movies in the center of Blockbuster. Since we don't get out much, we haven't seen the vast majority of these. I just tend to randomly find movies. Sometimes I watch them, sometimes I have to take them back before I get a chance. So, this time I rented "Dead and Breakfast" and "Hard Candy". Since we've been playing with the Wii so much, we haven't had the chance to watch them. Since I accidentally fell asleep this afternoon after work, I figured I would be up for awhile so popped in "Dead and Breakfast". It was fabulous. Nice and gory, but funny too. There were moments I had to stop myself from laughing out loud since ol' Potter was in bed. Too bad, he missed out. I recommend it! Beth, this is for you!



Betty (Beth) said...

Sweet! I will definitely watch it!

Also, Hard Candy is freakin' crazy. I seriously had my mouth open in shock for parts of the movie.

See you Saturday!
Beth :-)

Tracy said...

I would love some battery operated socks from Santa. Anything warm :) Cancer sucks.