Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nuff-f***ing said

Exactly Mr. Olbermann. What the hell do people care if gays and lesbians want to marry? I have wanted to say something on my blog about this country's ideals. But I've been pretty disgusted so haven't. It's one step forward, then two steps back. Seriously. Anywoo, in one moment I am so proud of us as a country and in the very next, my stomach hurts at the idea that not only are we CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION TO EXCLUDE A GROUP OF PEOPLE, but we are also TAKING AWAY AND REMOVING THE RIGHTS THEY HAVE BECAUSE THEY ARE HUMAN FREAKING BEINGS.

What right do we have? What "God" gives me the right to deny another person civil rights? This is a slippery slope we are going down and yet, it's acceptable today because "God" tell me so? Well, that is not my "God." My "God" is the one who loves and wants people to be kind and forgiving to one another. My "God" is the little voice in my head that tells me what is right and wrong. I do not need to kneel in a pulpit to know what is right and what is wrong. Denying a basic civil right by changing the constitution of the state is disgusting.

The Mormon Church was behind the vast majority of the funding to say Yes to Prop 8. I'm pretty sure this is one of those glass houses situations. If you have LOTS of time, click here. That's all the news articles that comes up from google with the search Mormon and Prop 8. Makes you want to punch someone in the face (and I can pretty much guess who that would be).


1 comment:

Nikki said...

Religion should have no part in politics, and I think that is what makes me angry - knowing the insane commercials the Mormon Church ran on TV for Prop 8. Stuff about teaching same-sex ed in schools and things about how your priest could get arrested for not preforming ceremonies for gay couples, even though it's against their religions beliefs. It makes me so angry. Haven't these people ever heard of the separation of church and state? Their commercials were all lies, too... yet I think many people believed them. Or they were undecided until the moment they entered the voting booth and thought they should probably just pick one.

Seriously, I still think we should split the US down the middle and put everyone who voted for McCain on one side and Obama on the other and see who runs their country better and more fairly.