Monday, December 22, 2008

We Play Wii

So, last Friday, some of my co-workers and myself were at the bar having a little Christmas gift exchange and drinking a handful of beers (we all had to drive and since we're nothing if not law-abiding, responsible citizens, we didn't get lit up). As we were sitting there, we decided there would likely be nothing better in life but to come over and play some Wii. Shana (or as her Mii name-SHAY) had never played so it was monumental for her. Apparently so monumental, she went out this weekend and bought one. Heh.

Shayyyyy (you have to say this in a slightly southern, whiney voice and you have what we were doing to her all night) is bowling here. We have to completely move everything around to play but it's so worth it.

Um...not sure which game she's playing here, but we'll pretend it's golf. Might actually have been. Toby got whacked really, really hard in the mouth by me once, but he must have trusted SHAYYYY a lot. He's hovering in a dangerous spot.

This is what Wii makes you do. Giggle at others and find joy in them. If the world played Wii together, there would be no more war. Okay, that might be a bit much, but it is fun.

This is boxing. It's really hard. SHAYYYY is sweating here. It's surprising how very much effort it takes to kick that bitches ass.

Nikki brought Remy because she didn't want the dog to be sad and lonely. As you can see, she is loving the picture taking. I think Remy is a picture whore.

Oh my god. This is terrifying. Nikki looks pretty scary here. Maybe she was tired of me taking pictures? Nahhhhh.

Paul and Nikki are practically cuddling. Hilarious! Paul was a good sport and let the girls play while he just yelled out "helpful hints" from the sidelines.

Again, they are SOOO CUTE together!

Here's he's waiting for the right moment to tell us how bad we suck and then give us pointers. Boys.

Nikki's on the boxing here! She was also tired afterwards. It really does kick your ass a bit.

I am the best picture taker EVER. This is a sweet picture of the Wii opponent all blurry cuz Nikki is kicking it's penis-nosed ASS.

Golf or bowling? Does it really matter? I didn't think so.

Wow. I think I should be concerned that these two spent so much time on the couch together. Well, not really since in reality, we were playing musical chairs since there was only enough for whoever wasn't playing. We continually were moving around. CJ sat next to Paul for a while until he tried to make her pee herself by tickling her.

Again, I am amazed at how awesome my camera is. CJ boxing and kicking penis-nose's ass.

The dogs are confused by the Wii. The people stand and cheer and jump at the TV and yet they do not want to play. You can see why there's this "hang-dog" (heh) experessions on their faces.

I'm guessing golf here. CJ really plays for-reals golf so I'm sure she was super dissapointed that SHE GOT HER ASS HANDED TO HER. I'm so competitive.

Sorry about the schizophrenic ordering. You try uploading a million pictures and see if they are all "perfect". Stupid critical people you.

See, Wii makes you smile. CJ is smiling here. That means Wii brings joy.

This would be my legs and Brody and Remy trying to get some desperate attention. The Wii brings people joy, but makes dogs sad.

As the night wore on, you notice who can't hang with the big kids. CJ was out like a light. Shana, Nikki and I were going strong. Paul was long in bed. Pussies.

And Remy just can't hang either.


1 comment:

Nikki said...

I didn't come over to hang out with you. I came over to see my boyfriend, Potter. We're so cute together. Plus, I liked his 4 dollar pants and couldn't see the TV from anywhere else on the couch.

I enjoyed this blog. My favorites are you just commenting on pictures.