Sunday, July 17, 2005


Well, here's my diatribe about FedEx and their utter uselessness. I ordered a laptop which had to be signed for (something I didn't know but should have figured out, duh on my part). It was supposed to come Fri. Well, they were quick I'll give them that. The first attempt was on Thurs. obviously no one was home. I called FedEx customer service that evening as soon as I got home. Basically here's what she told me: There is no where that I can pick it up at, I can't change the delivery address, they can't tell me when the 2nd or 3rd attempt might be or the times. Great. I was getting annoyed at this point. I was planning on going to Nebraska this weekend to see my little new great-niece and go to the zoo with the cousins. Well, apparently my only choices to avoid the computer being sent back were to miss a day's work (not even knowing if an attempt would be made) or cancel my weekend plans (again, not even knowing if an attempt would be made). So, I cancelled my weekend plans which put me in a remarkably bad mood! I really look forward to spending time with the family and seeing my friends from home as they are my oldest and dearest people in my life. So, I waited around on Sat., afraid to even get in the shower for fear of missing him (they did attempt on Fri and if they were unable to deliver on Sat, bye-bye puter-it gets sent back). So, around 3:30 pm the dude finally shows up. And I got my new baby which I am using right now to type this blog!! Unfortunately, I'm having issues with airport and can't get it to work, so I'm going to have to mess around with that. I called RoadRunner to make sure it was compatible with a wireless network and he said it shouldn't be a problem (haha, I've heard that before) and gave me some pointers on how to get it to work. Well, after doing exactly what he told me, it still didn't work, so right now I'm directly connected to the internet, which isn't what I intended at all. But, give me a few days and dammit, it will work!!

So, I cancelled the laptop case, didn't want to be lugging it around for a month in a backpack or something. Went the Apple Store in the plaza. Walked in and wanted to fall on my knees in awe and devotion. Managed to hold myself back. Got a new little case that I love, it looks more like a purse than a case, so maybe it won't get ripped off. Need to call my insurance agent and add this baby to the policy just in case. Also was going to purchase an airport card for the eMac, but apparently my year is just in that weird time that they were changing the cards from regular to extreme, and of course, I went all girl on the guy and couldn't remember anything about the computer. Will be returning for one soon though, since a friend helped me figure out which one I need (thanks Eric!!) Also, the same friend sent me a kick-ass link for cases for my iPod since the little guy already has a ding in it from being in my purse. I would probably have never purchased an iPod, but I love it now!! I listened to music for 8 hours straight at work and didn't (obviously) have to change out a CD. It was heavenly. The only problem I have is that I'm still trying to get good at using the click wheel. I have a tendency to just move it until I can get what I want and it's a little frustrating right now, but I'll get better!

The top of the kitchen is officially done and we've figured out how we're going to do the bottom. We have to get a smaller width sink in order for the lazy susan to work, but we found a great website that is dirt-cheap!! I assume we'll be ordering that shortly. I'll post a "before" (white cabinets) and an "after" (wood cabinets).

I just got done cleaning the house in the ever-losing battle against dog hair. Also, transferred the software from my new puter that wasn't on my old puter, so now have iPhoto. Played around with iMovie/iDVD and will have no problems putting together my parent's slide show for their party. Just have to get the photos scanned in now. Also, got the invitations all stuffed and ready for addressing which is what I'm about to go do. The hardest thing about my new puter is that I'm trying to get used to not having to type so hard. I'm not very good at this gentle touch thing. I'm used to banging away on the keys and this is causing typos, so I apologize for any oddities in the words. Well, I'm starving so am going to go eat a little something.


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